Total Energy Solutions
We will like to hear from you.
  • 35 Topaz Avenue, Diamond Estate, Sangotedo, Ajah, Lagos State.
  • +234 (817) 161 7171

Oil & Gas

We are helping to meet growing global energy demand with cleaner-burning natural gas. It powers, heats and cools industries, homes and businesses.

The world's dependence on oil and gas is increasing as global economies and infrastructure continue to rely heavily on petroleum-based products. Discussions of when world oil and gas production will peak seem to be on the periphery, even amid a weakened global economy and the shrinking availability of oil.

The trend towards renewable and alternative energy is another threat to traditional oil and gas companies. Coupled with the rise in pro-eco legislation and governmental pressure has meant the industry is under more scrutiny than ever.

Generating electricity from solar power systems and offshore wind is becoming increasingly cheaper and cost-effective. According to IRENA, over 80 percent of newly commissioned renewable energy will be cheaper than new oil & natural gas sources.

It is estimated that 30 billion barrels are consumed globally each year, primarily by developed nations. Oil also accounts for a significant percentage of energy consumption regionally from 32% for Europe and Asia, 40% for North America, 41% for Africa, 44% for South and 53% for the Middle East.

What We Do

  • Top level management, supervision and controlling of the transmission, manufacturing, supplying, generating, distributing and dealing in electricity and all forms of energy and power.
  • We deliver unmatched professional services, with our diverse team of professionals focused on our clients to solve their most complex of technical issues, with the aim of increasing the Customer's value and optimizing plant performance.
  • Retaining in-house crews of Certified Mechanical FSRs and Electrical/Instrument & Controls FSRs

Business Plan Market

  • Cost cutting
  • Vertical integration: One-stop solution
  • New revenue models: Sharing financial risks for future rewards
  • Attract and retain quality
  • Consolidation: Increasing concentration
  • New equipment and service models: Design to value

Research Beyond The Business Plan

Sustained investment in new technologies is allowing some companies to capture new growth. Today’s low oil price has created a new passion for efficiency, which highlights new technologies that can drive efficiencies—albeit at a limited investment cost.

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Mobile: +234 (817) 161 7171
35 Topaz Avenue, Diamond Estate, Sangotedo, Ajah, Lagos State.